Wednesday, May 19, 2010

it has happened.
i have dreamed of the future
and it came true.
and it is horrible.

about a week and a half ago, i had a horrifying dream which resulted in me waking up and frantically searching through my pillows looking for tiny red bugs. now the only red bugs that i can think of right now are red ants. but i know was not looking for red ants. i was looking for lice. [i think the reason they were red is because they were sent from the nazi's].
i was horrified and of course in the morning my head was so itchy. so i had my mom check my head. just in case. of course there was nothing there. [insert sigh of relief here]

then this last tuesday, a case of lice was reported at my work! my horrifying dream is coming true!! and since then 3 more cases have been reported. and apparently lice are very excellent jumpers, and they jump from head to head.


i can not get lice. one of the main reasons is found in the best Christmas pageant ever by barbara robinson.

"my friend alice wendleken was so nasty clean that she had detergent hands by the time she was four years old. just the same, alice picked up a case of head lice when she was at summer camp, and somehow imogene found out about that. she would sneak up on alice at recess and holler "Cooties!" and smack alice's head. she nearly knocked alice cross-eyed before one of the teachers saw her and took both of them in to the principal.
"now, whats this all about?" the principal wanted to know, but alice wouldnt say.

"i had to hit her." imogene told him. shes got cooties and i saw one crawling in her hair and i dont want them on me."
"you did not see one!" alice said. i dont have them anymore!"
"what do you mean, you dont have them anymore?" the principal said. "did you have them lately?" it really shook him up-- he didnt want a whole school full of kids with cooites. so he sent alice to the health room and the nurse went all through her head with a fine-tooth comb and a magnifying glass and finally said it was all right.
but it was too late--everybody called alice "cooties" the whole rest of the year.

i dont want to be known as "cooties" for any amount of time, let alone the whole rest of the year! yikes.

in the hiding place, corrie ten boom talks about how there were fleas and lice in their beds. and betsie was like 'corrie, we have to be thankful even for this, because its keeping the guards out and we can read the bible without interruption'

i dont have lice yet, and i hope i dont get it because it will be very hard to find a reason to be thankful for it.


  1. I've always heard that lice prefer to live in super clean hair... Therefore, you shouldn't wash your hair every day. I also read online that you should use a hairbrush because "lice cannot survive frequent contact with and the disturbance caused by a hair brush" (not sure how true that one is.) And, at least you won't have to shave your hair off because you can afford the treatments. That is a positive!

    You can also try this, "Shampoo, conditioners, hair spray, styling gel, and finishing spray containing either/and or both tea tree oil or rosemary oil will provide a defensive aid from getting head lice." Apparently they don't like the smell-- or the taste? I can just imagine scientists experimenting on little lice...

    Now even my head itches. Oh great.

  2. sorry that i made your head itch.
    but let me just say i have always longed for a reason to brush through my dirty hair every day and here it is.
