Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hard things thus far about a blog:

1. actually deciding to start one
2. picking a decent name
3. picking a layout
4. having things to say

I think that 1 and 4 are related. I was hesitant to start because I wasn't sure I would actually find brilliant things to say. And to paraphrase Elizabeth Bennett/Jane Austen/the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice: "Neither of us wishes to speak unless we say something that will amaze the whole room" This applies to me. I would much rather remain silent or say something that will amaze everybody. Something clever and smart-sounding. Like I should be reading some intense sort of literature or watching fox news on a regular basis. Or I should be super hilarious so as to leave my readers in stitches.

Picking a name was really hard. It took me a couple of days. When I graduated, my parents got me the book "Oh the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss and I really wanted that to be my title, because lets be real, I'm going places. And apparently I am letting you go with me via this blog. However horror upon horrors that name was already taken. So I turned to Winnie-the-Pooh. He has never let me down. He gave me a song about about rain clouds, a phrase to say when it looks like rain and he taught me that spelling Tuesday isn't always what matters in life. And really, how can you be uncheered by a balloon?

Next came the layout. Talk about hard! Obviously I wanted one with the happiest sort of balloons. But that was not to be. So I had to go with polka-dots. Close enough for now I suppose.

[and heather: i totally understand the brainfreeze of the mind [maybe its a brain cloud?]...but its happening to me too]


  1. I feel all of that, Janna. Blogging is a bigger commitment that I anticipated. I want to blog every day, not just for the few people who read my ramblings, but for myself. It's one outlet I can force creativity into, hoping to suppress that brain cloud.
    (By the way I miss you and I want you to come to Texas and watch Joe vs. the Volcano with me)
    Sorry I stole the Dr. Seuss blog title... :( but the Winne-the-Pooh title is super happy and very Janna. I like your bloggings so far!

  2. I would blog because typing is faster than writing... But I've already pledged to write in my journal every day. And so far I am succeeding! This is a first for me, I must say. And by the time I get done journal writing I have nothing left to say since I've already said it. And that, my friends, is what we call a conundrum.

  3. heather: you didnt steal the title...somebody else did. you know how they had you check the availability of the address? well somebody had already used 'oh the places you'll go' in theirs so i couldnt. you didnt steal anything :)
    and im glad you like it!

    anna: whenever i journal it usually turns into praying so thats where blogging and journaling are different for me

  4. also: maybe over the summer we should all meet in the middle for a couple of days?

  5. And where exactly is the middle?
