Thursday, April 8, 2010

things i remember

i remember
  • my grandma making playdough for me. and then i got to play with it [with cookie cutters]
  • making roly-poly cookies [our special name for snickerdoodles, because they look like the bug]
  • eating boiled custard with graham crackers [this deliciousness is really hard to explain, but it is soo satisfying]
  • there was this song that she always sang when i would come into the kitchen for breakfast...i would sit on her knee and would watch jack [my grandpa] make breakfast and she would sing: "I love ol' janna, i do, i do. i love ol' janna i do! i love ol' janna and you would tooooooo....ifffff you knew ol' janna like we-e all do!" [what a lovely way to start the day]
  • she would always hold the back of my shirt if i got to close to the lake while fishing.
  • once i was tattle-tale and she actually pinned a tale on my backside and i had to walk around like that for my punishment.
  • there is this book called 'johnny texas' i have no idea what is about but one summer my mom decided i had to read it. i didnt want to so my grandma read it to me. the only part i remember is when johnny met a snake. apparently it was intense because jack came in, gave me the "be quiet" symbol and scared the daylights out of mamaw. [apparently if you live in texas you have to read it...heather, this means you]
  • the best hiding spot [which happens to be the most obvious, therefore is it really the best? my younger self apparently didnt care] in her house happens to be a cabinet in the wall of the bathroom. its low to the ground so you can crawl into it and big so julie and i could fit in together...who cares that it was actually for dirty clothes?
  • when i had the chicken pox over spring break one year, mamaw made me take an oatmeal [maybe?] bath. it was really gross. and i cant remember if it helped.
  • she claimes that the fastest she ever saw me move was when madison and i were sharing a bed and madison threw up that night.
  • she sent me a monthly allowance during college
  • she prays for me
  • and loves me

[note: my grandmother is not dead...but she did take a pretty hard fall this morning and my mom is still traveling there tonight. we think that she is doing ok under the circumstances, but she is just so tiny and frail its hard to tell.]
[also: they ran a test on her brain and even though she is over 90 years old, her brain is functioning at the level of a 60 year old brain. wow. i wonder if mine will still be working that well when im over 90 or if this brain cloud is going to be the death of me. literally]

1 comment:

  1. I will someday find Jonny Texas and read it just for you!

