Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i think i need a plan 'b'
because my plan 'a' isn't working

so here are some possible options:

1. take up painting. [maybe i have an artsy side that i never knew about?]
2. become a journalist and travel all over the world and write about supercool important stuff
3. become a secret shopper.
4. become a nanny for a sea captain in austria and take care of his 7 kids and then fall in love with him while singing in the alps
5. marry a garbage man, because they are super strong and probably super rich because who really wants to be a garbage man anyway?
6. start a bakery. i make some delicious chocolate chip cookies.
7. become a professional hermit [i think this one is a real possibility]
8. become a food critic. [or just the dessert kind]
9. become a book critic. or a song critic. or maybe just a critic? [that cant be good]
10. become the next big thing to hit the travel channel. i could start my own show and travel wherever i want

all of that to say im so glad God doesn't have or need a plan 'b' for my life. now if only i could figure out what His plan 'a' is, i'd be good to go.


  1. I vote for the secret shopping. Can we say "hello" to free goodies? Yes, we can!

    And aren't our parents supposed to be starting the bakery...?

  2. Well, there is one of your drawings on the frig., and I love your c. c. cookies. You sing nice and can take care of kids.....so you have lots of options! So don't lose heart. (Anyway, God's plan is best and we can trust Him)(aren't you glad!)

  3. 2,4,5,6,8,9,10, those are my favorites and I couldn't narrow them down. But I still want to be your person no matter what you become!

    I am in the same place Janna-bean. But I agree with you last statment. And anyway, the journey to the path to plan 'a' is frustrating and scary and fun and challenging and crazy and happy. At least that's how I've decided to think about it.

  4. anna: i know right! i would love to be a real secret shopper. how amazing! and yes the parents are supposed to start the bakery, but i figure im not doing much, i could jump start the business for them.

    mom: thank you for the encouragement. but its hard not lose heart.

    heather: you make me laugh. practically the whole list made it to your favorites!
    if only i could get my brain to the fun and happy part...i've got the frustrating/scary/challenging/crazy part down.

  5. JANNA! if you start a bakery can I come work for you...I can make some pretty yummy treats! Also, one of my new goals in life is to start a bakery in Italy...just because it would be AWESOME ....not to mention the Italian men, yummy all around.

    P.S. if you don't, then go for #4...kids, music, and captain von trapp. Besides a bakery, What could be better?
